ASHRAE-Danube Chapter’s Technology Transfer Committee in cooperation with the Serbian HVAC Society KGH – SMEITS, and Serbian Academy of Engineering Sciences
Distinguished Lecturer Seminar
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Civil Engineering Faculty, Ceremonial Hall
Kralјa Aleksandra str. 73, Belgrade
starting from 11.00 a. m.
Rupesh Iyengar,
PhD, Services Consultants
Jayanagar, Bengaluru, India
Програм истакнутих предавача ASHRAE-а започет је 1996-97. године са циљем да члановима својих огранака широм света пружи прилику да чују предавања истакнутих чланова ASHRAE-а. Теме предавања су пажљиво одабране и примерене публици у одређеном региону. Програмом руководи Комитет за трансфер технологија огранка.
Комитет за трансфер технологија Дунавског огранка ASHRAE-а, у сарадњи са Друштвом за КГХ Србије, Академијом инжењерских наука Србије, 1. новембра 2018. године у Београд је позвао г. Rupesh-a Iyengar-a, да у Свечаној сали Грађевинског факултета у Београду одржи семинар NET POSITIVE ENERGY DESIGN.
11:00–11:15 Introductory Messages: SMEITS, KGH, AINS, ASHRAE - Danube
11:15–12:00 Net Positive Energy Design
Abstract. A large percentage of most countries‟ energy demand goes to power its buildings. Urbanization will only increase building constructions and in-turn cause an increase in energy demand. Designing buildings, which are self-sustained, is therefore logical and very important. A building that can satisfy its own energy demand by generating the energy it requires is called a Net Zero Energy Building and one that can generate more energy than its needs is a Net Positive Energy Building. Net Positive Designs can help feed energy to the grid thus acting as a mini power plant inside the city. Designing such buildings need innovations in engineering design and architectural approach. The aim is to first reduce the energy demand of the building to the minimum; and then generate that energy at the building. Some of the concepts that can be used are: Using innovative materials for walls, slabs, roofs etc., selecting high performance glazing based on a balance achieved between U-value, SHGC, and VLT, enhanced day-lighting, free air-conditioning, natural ventilation, effective sensors, CFD simulations, an intelligent demand control strategy etc. The key though is to combine such strategies in the right proportions to achieve a workable solution.
12:00–12:20 Coffee break
12:20–12:50 Decentralized Cooling and Ventilation
Abstract. Air conditioning systems are responsible for more than 50% of any typical business building‟s energy demand. The burgeoning growth of cities around the world will only increase this demand in the years to come. Investing, therefore in serious time and money to strategize ways to improve building HVAC systems is the call of the day. Traditional systems use large centralized Air Handling Units (AHUs) to move cool air to building interiors. But the movement of water, which is more effective than air in removing heat owing to its higher heat capacity, could be a better solution. The transition from a conventional all air centralized air conditioning to slab integrated water based radiant cooling systems coupled with decentralized ventilation could be the future of air conditioning. This type of a system could reduce false ceiling heights to minimum and increase floor to floor height by about 20%. The advantage is that, radiant cooling employs high temperature cooling techniques, with chilled water at 15°C to 17°C, to achieve temperature control. This is in contrast with traditional systems which use 6°C to 8°C chilled water.
12:50–13:20 The Art of Cooling and Ventilating spaces using Buoyancy Effect
Abstract. In view of the increased demand for cooling caused by climate change, it becomes imperative that energy efficient HVAC technologies and air distribution strategies are explored. Passive design elements could optimize performances of the building envelope by minimizing heat gains; active system designs involve the judicious selection of efficient HVAC systems. In the context of comfort air-conditioning, buildings are designed for human occupancy where thermal comfort requirements and adequate ventilation is provided at all times. Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) systems are increasingly becoming popular owing to their better performance in terms of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and energy demand. It offers full flexibility in changes to office layout by re-locating the outlets to suit any new workstation layout and has been reported to provide enhanced indoor air quality, energy efficiency and thermal comfort as compared to conventional ceiling supply systems. UFAD systems by virtue of their design have the advantage of moving air in the same direction as the thermal lift in the room. The upward air flow pattern, vertical temperature gradient and warmer supply air temperature are the most important characteristics of this system.
13:20–13:50 The Unstructured and Unsustainable Growth Phenomena of Cities In Developing Countries
Abstract. Cities of developing nations are going to play a major role in defining growth in the quest to match standards of developed nations. Trade, population, geographic size of cities in developing countries and their contribution to global development will only increase in the years to come. Rural settlements or underdeveloped villages are fast converting themselves to smaller towns; smaller towns are converting themselves into small cities and existing small cities are forging themselves into becoming mega cities. This demographic transformation will bring with itself an increased need on resources of land, water, clean air, sanitation, power, transport network and safety in order to survive and grow. It is therefore, imperative that urban planning, use of technology, futuristic vision and control techniques are incorporated to work in collaboration for having success. Present day megacities like Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Manila, Jakarta, Mumbai, Delhi, Karachi, Istanbul, Tehran, Moscow, Lagos, Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santiago, Mexico City etc. have their share of problems and negotiating their populations ever growing demands has turned into a herculean task. What we need is an integrated and sustainable design approach towards city planning and building design in the larger context of Smart cities or Green cities.
Dr. Rupesh has published more than 10 research papers in top international journals and international conferences in USA, UK, India, Singapore, Switzerland, Philippines, Australia, Czech Republic etc. He has collaborated with ETH, Zurich; NUS, Singapore; Concordia University, Montreal; La Salle University, Manila on various research projects. He is currently a visiting professor at Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune and BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru. He was the chairperson for he conference session on Sustainability and Green Buildings – Construction, Design and Materials during the 10th Healthy Buildings Conference in Brisbane, Australia. He is regularly invited by industry and academia across the globe to give webcasts and lectures on Sustainable Building Design, Energy Efficient MEP Design, Smart Cities, Net Positive Energy Design etc.
Dr. Rupesh currently works for his own MEP and Sustainable Design consulting firm, Services Consultants in Bengaluru and Singapore. He is extensively involved in design projects that require MEP Designs, Sustainable Designs and Net Zero Energy Designs. One of his projects themed “Resilient to Climate Change” won the Green Design Award of Merit at the International Green Building Congress, Singapore. His Net Zero Energy Building Design project “Puma Sustainable Store, Bangalore” won 2 design awards namely The Bry-Air Award and Emerson Cup Award. His company has an experience of 30 years in designing Hotels, Hospitals, Residential Spaces, Office Spaces, Retail and Commercial spaces, Educational Institutions, Airports etc. across Asia.
Dr. Rupesh has been involved with ASHRAE for the last 10 years. He has held several BOG positions at ASHRAE Singapore Chapter and is currently a part of ASHRAE Bangalore Chapter. He was selected as a “Leadership U” participant in YEA and has won the “YEA Award for exceptional service to ASHRAE”. He organised many international events for YEA in the capacity of the YEA Regional Coordinator (YRC) during 2014-2017. He was nominated by ASHRAE to be its Global New Face in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. He has published 2 books titled “Decentralized Approach to High Performance Building Design in Tropics” by SVH Verlag and book chapter–“Asia‟s Cities: Necessity, Challenges and Solutions for Going Smart” by Springer.